Many driving under the influence (DUI) arrests take place on the side of the road. Drivers get pulled over because of questionable decisions at the wheel or test results after a crash. Sometimes they encounter sobriety checkpoints. If police officers determine that...
People hearing information about traffic safety statistics often roll their eyes and assume that they know better and can avoid the mistakes that cause other people to end up injured in collisions. However, understanding statistics about crash risk is exactly how some...
Suppose you’ve suffered a work-related illness or injury; you can use a safety net for your medical expenses as you take time to recover. With sufficient financial support, you won’t have to worry about the unexpected medical bills overwhelming you and your family....
Medical malpractice is not just a situation in which someone experiences a poor outcome to treatment. Instead, malpractice involves negligence or an unprofessional standard of care. Doctors who make negligent mistakes or who do not follow standard procedures could...
Worker’s compensation is an employer-sponsored insurance that provides financial support to workers who suffer work-related injuries or illnesses on the job. These benefits are intended to cover medical expenses, lost wages and rehabilitation. The program is designed...
Construction sites are often hives of activity, with workers constantly on the move at varying heights. While safety protocols are mandatory, falls remain a significant risk. One of the most devastating consequence of such falls can be a spinal cord injury (SCI). This...
The vast majority of trips in motor vehicles are uneventful. Most drivers go years without ever experiencing collisions. When crashes do occur, people may struggle to react appropriately. Small mistakes made in the moments after a collision can affect someone's...
Many police officers in New Jersey gladly overstep their authority if members of the public do not know their rights. Police officers can easily trick or manipulate people into giving up their rights or implicating themselves in a criminal incident. They can turn a...
The concept of attractive nuisance is an important legal doctrine. In New Jersey, as in many other places, the attractive nuisance doctrine holds property owners responsible for injuries – primarily to children – if the injury is caused by a hazardous object or...
Winter snow can certainly be beautiful – but most drivers would rather be inside than on the roads in the midst of a storm. Ice, snow and sleet can turn a routine commute into a treacherous journey for even the most confident drivers. However, you can take some...