Trusted Lawyers With A Proven Record Of Success

Case Results

  • The Firm represented the estate of a motorcyclist that was fatally injured after striking a hay wagon that was being towed down a public street. The defendant claimed that our client was operating his motorcycle recklessly, and that the tragic accident was his own fault. The defendant also argued that there was no insurance coverage for the situation. The firm hired the finest accident reconstruction expert to assist in the case, which ultimately settled for $500,000.00.

  • Several former employees of a luxury resort retained the Firm to represent them in a case involving allegations of sexual harassment and legally protected “whistle blowing” activity. The defendant retained a large, prominent law firm to defend the case. The defendant also argued that our clients were dismissed from their employment due to their poor work performance. The Firm was able to track down key witnesses and documents, which were crucial in bringing the case to a settlement of $425,000.00.

  • The Firm represented the estate of an elderly gentlemen that was the victim of violent assault. The criminal was never brought to justice, but the Firm discovered that the handgun used in the assault had been stolen. With the assistance of the authorities, the Firm learned that the rightful owner of the handgun had been negligent in not securing the handgun. The owner’s negligence caused the handgun to fall into the hands of a criminal, and the criminal used the weapon to perpetrate a crime. The defendant argued that she could not be held liable in this situation, but the Firm persevered and ultimately resolved the case for $390,000.00.

  • In a particularly difficult case, the Firm represented a couple that became ill after they were allegedly exposed to mold while living in an apartment complex. The defendants fought hard on both liability and damages. Through the extraordinary efforts of our trial lawyers we were able to justice to our clients, obtaining a settlement of $300,000.00.

  • A patron of a very large retailer slipped and fell after encountering an oily patch in a parking lot. This particular retailer is renowned for fiercely defending against injury cases. The Firm conducted a very damaging deposition of a key employee of the retailer. On the eve of trial, the case settled for $150,000.00.

  • Michael L. Testa, Sr. obtained a $625,000 settlement for a 21 year old motorcyclist who suffered a herniated disc that resulted in surgery. The settlement was reached the week before the trial was to commence in Atlantic County.

  • Testa Heck Testa & White is very pleased to be assisting our client Eastern Pacific Development LLC as the City of Vineland’s designated redeveloper in the Landis Square project at East and Landis Avenues. The project includes the restoration and expansion of the historic Landis Theater as a major regional performing arts venue and community theater.

    The project also includes new mixed retail and (senior) residential housing. It will rehabilitate a major gateway to the City’s downtown district.

    Testa Heck Testa & White is involved in all phases of the project, including land use approvals, financing, and construction activities for our client.

  • When you choose Testa Heck Testa & White, PA to handle your legal needs, you have their promise that they will vigorously defend your rights, provide sound legal advice, and allow your voice to be heard. This philosophy has resulted in the settlement or successful litigation of thousands of cases. Although they represent each client with the same commitment, the following are some of their most challenging cases.

  • Former New Jersey Governor Christine Todd Whitman was looking for experienced trial attorneys to represent the State in its historic lawsuit against the tobacco industry. Michael Testa and the firm were retained as co-counselors in the case, along with six other firms. A suit was filed against the tobacco industry seeking to recover billions of dollars that the State and its taxpayers paid through the Medicaid program for health care costs attributable to smoking related illnesses. Prior to going to trial, a 7.5 billion dollar settlement was reached for the State of New Jersey.

  • In Vineland, an eight year old child was struck by a car while crossing the street to board her school bus. The child sustained severe injuries as the result of the accident. Michael Testa obtained a settlement with a total value of $1,855,832 plus attorney fees.

  • An electro-mechanic at Foster Forbes Glass Company was severely injured in an accident at work. As a result of this accident, he lost his life. At trial, an award for the family in the amount of $1,052,000 was obtained.

  • In Atlantic City, a construction worker was injured when the second floor slab of a garage structure at a casino and the scaffold on which he was standing collapsed. He fell 18 feet to the first floor under concrete debris sustaining serious injuries. Michael Testa obtained an award for the injured worker totaling $1,665,000.

  • A 17 year old female was injured on a jet ski collision that resulted in a below the knee amputation. The matter was vigorously defended with the defendants claiming the plaintiff was responsible for the collision. The case settled for $1.2 million.

  • Michael L. Testa represented a construction worker who was killed and another who was injured when the Tropicana Garage collapsed during construction. That case settled collectively for all of the plaintiffs for a total of $101 million dollars, the largest injury construction settlement in the United States.

  • In Atlantic County a 54 year old woman was injured in an automobile accident. After an extended period, as a result of the accident, she lost her life. Michael Testa obtained a settlement in the amount of $800,000.00.