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Dangerous roads causing accidents in New Jersey

Reckless drivers are forced to take defensive driving courses. Vehicle manufacturers are installing more built-in safety features into their vehicles. However, few people consider the dangers of defective roads and highways that are contributing to auto accidents. There are state and federal agencies that are responsible for determining the most dangerous roads in New Jersey.

The effects of road hazards

The most dangerous roads in New Jersey are determined by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. When people think of deadly accidents, they think of a person’s negligence that often causes the accident.

The dangers of roads and vehicles are often the last factors to consider after an accident. But it’s important that traffic safety authorities review all possible factors that increase the risks of crashing. They have to determine if it’s necessary to repair or rebuild the roads and if their work will actually decrease the number of motor vehicle accidents.

The most dangerous NJ roads

State Road 129 in Trenton, called the SR-129, is known as the most dangerous road in the entire state. Connected to the I-295 and I-195 highways, the road runs for only 2.4 miles but experiences an average of 73 fatal road accidents per year. On most roads in the state, the number of annual fatalities was 11.5 for every 100 miles.

Analyzing accident reports in NJ

Motor vehicle accidents are major causes of serious, life-threatening injuries and sudden deaths. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration releases annual information about the causes of motor vehicle crashes in the U.S. In New Jersey, they have determined that there are several, well-known dangerous roads that contribute to high rates of accidents.